Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, 2009
A.B., Cornell University, Dept. of Physics, 2000
Associate professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience, 2021-present
Assistant professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience, 2019-2021
Assistant professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 2014-2018
CIFAR postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2012-2014
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2010-2012
Please visit the Publications page.
AGU Editor’s Citation for excellence in refereeing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016
Global Scholar, Canadian Institute For Advanced Research, 2013-2014
Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 2012
AGU Outstanding Student Paper, Fall Meeting, Hydrology Section, 2007, 2008
Lawrence Scholar Graduate Student Fellowship, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2006-2009
Graduate Student Instructor of the Year, University of California, Berkeley, 2004
University of Wisconsin-Madison (2019-present)
Introduction to Geophysics (for majors, GEOSCI 350)
Environmental Geology (survey course for non-majors, GEOSCI 106)
Quantitative Geomorphology (graduate level, GEOSCI 701)
Advanced Topics in Geology (graduate seminar, GEOSCI 875)
Georgia Tech (2014-2018)
Geomorphology (for upper level undergraduate majors and grad students, EAS 4804)
Structural Geology (for upper level undergraduate majors and grad students, EAS 4200)
Introduction to Environmental Sciences (for first-year majors, EAS 1600)
Laboratory Methods for Soil Geochemistry (independent research, EAS 4699)
Boston College, adjunct professor (2012-2013)
Cosmos (survey course for non-majors, GE 177)
San Quentin State Prison, Patten University, CA, adjunct professor (2004-2007)
Geology, Calculus, Geometry, Algebra (for inmates in Associate of Arts program)
University of California, Berkeley, graduate student instructor (2001-2009)
The Water Planet (survey course for non-majors, EPS 3)
Geological Influences in California Society (first-year field course, EPS 39)
The Planet Earth (introductory course for majors, EPS 50)
Analysis of Environmental Data (upper-level undergraduate statistics course, EPS 120)
Service and outreach
- Member of executive committee, AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Focus Group (2014-present)
- Coordinator of Outstanding Student Presentation Awards, AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Focus Group at AGU Fall Meeting (2013-2015) and AGU-CGU Joint Assembly (2015)
- Web editor, AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Focus Group (2012-2014)
- Guest geologist at public schools: Northwood Elementary School, Roswell, GA; Cabot Elementary School, Newton, MA; British School of Boston, MA (2011-present)
- Reviewer for American Journal of Science, Applied Geochemistry, Catena, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth Surface Dynamics, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Elements, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geoderma, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysical Research Letters, GSA Bulletin, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, Nature, Nature Geoscience, NSF-GLD, NSF-GLTG, Science, Science Advances, US Army Research Office
- Adjunct professor, San Quentin State Prison, Patten University (2004-2007)
Invited talks
AGU EPSP Connects seminar series (2020)
University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences (2019)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geography (2019)
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, (2019)
GSA Penrose Conference, Juneau, AK (2019)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience (2018)
Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics (2018)
University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences (2018)
University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences (2018)
Rice University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences (2017)
University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences (2016)
Tulane University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2016)
GSA Fall Meeting, Denver, CO (2016)
EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria (2016)
CSDMS Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO (2016)
University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences (2015)
North Carolina State University, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (2015)
Vanderbilt University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2015)
AGU-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC (2015)
University of Wyoming, Department of Geology and Geophysics (2014)
Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (2014)
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2014)
GSA Fall Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2014)
Cornell University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2013)
University of Minnesota, Department of Earth Sciences (2013)
Georgia Tech, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2013)
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2013)
McGill University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (2012)
Wellesley College, Geosciences Department (2012)
Harvard University, Solid Earth Geophysics seminar (2012)
Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Solo, Indonesia (2012)
Boston College, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2011)
Wellesley College, Geosciences Department (2011)