
(Google Scholar link)

In review/in press

  1. Reed M.M., Ferrier K.L., Nachlas W.O., Schneider B., Arson C., Xu T., Shen X., West N., in review. A free, open-source method for automated mapping of quantitative mineralogy from energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy scans of rock thin sections.


  1. Karlstrom L., Klema N., Grant G.E., Finn C., Cooley S., Sullivan P.L., Simpson A., Fasth B., Cashman K.V., Ferrier K.L., Ball L., McKay D., in press. State shifts in the deep Critical Zone drive landscape evolution in volcanic terrains.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122 (3) e2415155122,
  2. Singer B.S., Moreno-Yaeger P., Townsend M., Huber C., Cuzzone J., Edwards B.R., Romero M., Orellana-Salazar Y., Marcott S., Breunig R.E., Ferrier K.L., Scholz K., Coonin A.N., Alloway B.V., Tremblay M.M., Stevens S., Fustos-Toribo I., Moreno P.I., Vera F., Amigo A., 2024. New perspectives on ice forcing in continental arc magma plumbing systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 455, 108187,
  3. Ferrier K.L., Golos E., Haseloff M., 2024. A dataset of course requirements for undergraduate geoscience majors at 50 R1 universities in the United States. Data In Brief, 57, 110904,
  4. Ruetenik G.A., Ferrier K.L., Marc O., 2024. Decadal-scale decay of landslide-derived fluvial suspended sediment after Typhoon Morakot. Earth Surface Dynamics, 12, 863-881,
  5. Reed M., Ferrier K.L., Perron J.T., 2023. Modeling cosmogenic nuclides in transiently evolving topography and chemically weathering soils. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, 128(10), e2023JF007201,
  6. Roering J.J., Hunter B.D., Ferrier K.L., Chadwick O.A., Yoo K., Wackett A.A., Almond P.C., Silva L., Jellinek A.M., 2023. Quantifying erosion rates and weathering pathways that maximize soil organic carbon storage. Biogeochemistry, 164, 319-333,
  7. Callahan R.P., Riebe C.S., Sklar L.S., Pasquet S., Ferrier K.L., Hahm W.J., Taylor N.J., Grana D., Flinchum B.A., Hayes J.L., Holbrook W.S., 2022. Forest vulnerability to drought controlled by bedrock composition. Nature Geoscience, 15(9), 714-719,
  8. Xu T., Shen X., Reed M., West N., Ferrier K.L., Arson C., 2022. Anisotropy and microcrack propagation induced by weathering, regional stresses and topographic stresses. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 127(7), e2022JB024518, .
  9. Buffo J.J., Ojha L., Meyer C.R., Ferrier K.L., Palucis M.C., 2022. Revisiting subglacial hydrology as an origin for Mars’ valley networks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594, 117699,
  10. Fisher A., Belmont P., Murphy B.P., MacDonald L., Ferrier K.L., Hu K., 2021. Natural and anthropogenic controls on sediment rating curves in northern California coastal watersheds. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 46, p. 1610-1628, .
  11. Hu K., Fang X., Ferrier K.L., Granger D., Zhao Z., Ruetenik G., 2021. Covariation of cross-divide differences in denudation rate and χ: Implications for drainage basin reorganization in the Qilian Shan, northeast Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 562, 116812, (pdf)
  12. Ferrier K.L., Perron J.T., 2020. The importance of hillslope scale in responses of chemical erosion rate to changes in tectonics and climate. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, 125(9), e2020JF005562,
  13. Callahan R.P., Riebe C.S., Pasquet S., Ferrier K.L., Grana D., Sklar L.S., Taylor N.J., Flinchum B.A., Hayes J.L., Carr B.J., Hartsough P.C., O’Geen A.T., Holbrook W.S., 2020. Subsurface weathering revealed in hillslope-integrated porosity distributions. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, e2020GL088322,
  14. Ruetenik G.A., Ferrier K.L., Creveling J.R., Fox M., 2020. Sea-level responses to rapid sediment erosion and deposition in Taiwan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 538, 116198. (link)
  15. Shen X., Arson C., Ferrier K.L., West N., Dai S., 2019. Mineral weathering and bedrock weakening: Modeling microscale bedrock damage under biotite weathering. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, v. 124, p. 2623-2646. (link)
  16. Ojha L., Ferrier K.L., Ojha T., 2019. Millennial-scale denudation rates in the Himalaya of Far Western Nepal. Earth Surface Dynamics, v. 7, p. 969–987,
  17. Callahan R., Ferrier K.L., Dixon J., Dosseto A., Hahm W.J., Jessup B., Miller S., Hunsaker C., Johnson D., Sklar L., Riebe C.S., 2019. Arrested development: Erosional equilibrium in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, maintained by feedbacks between channel incision and hillslope sediment production. GSA Bulletin, v. 131, p. 1179-1202. (link)
  18. Chilton H.T., Schmidt B.E., Duarte K., Ferrier K.L., Hughson K.H.G., Scully J.E.C., Wray J.J., Sizemore H., Nathues A., Platz T., Schorghofer N., Schenk P.M., Landis M., Bland M., Byrne S., Russell C.T.R., Raymond C.A., 2019. Landslides on Ceres: Inferences into ice content and layering in the upper crust. JGR Planets, v. 124, p. 1512-1524. (link)
  19. Duarte K., Schmidt B.E., Chilton H.T., Hughson K.H.G., Sizemore H., Ferrier K.L., Buffo J., Scully J.E.C., Nathues A., Platz T., Landis M., Byrne S., Bland M., Russell C.T.R., Raymond C.A., 2019. Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and geologic context. JGR Planets, doi:10.1029/2018JE005673. (link)
  20. Pico T., Mitrovica J.X., Perron J.T., Ferrier K.L., Braun J., 2019. Influence of glacial isostatic adjustment on river evolution along the US mid-Atlantic coast. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 522, p. 176-185. (link)
  21. Pico T., Mitrovica J.X., Braun J., Ferrier K.L., 2018. Glacial isostatic adjustment deflects path of the ancestral Hudson River. Geology, v. 46, p. 591-594 (link).
  22. Blackburn T., Ferrier K.L., Perron J.T., 2018. Coupled feedbacks between mountain erosion rate, elevation, crustal temperature, and density. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 498, p. 377-386 (link).
  23. Ferrier K.L., Li Q., Pico T., Austermann J., 2018. The influence of water storage in marine sediment on sea-level change. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2017GL076592 (link).
  24. Ojha L., Chojnacki M., McDonald G.D., Shumway A., Wolff M.J., Smith M.D., McEwen A.S., Ferrier K.L., Huber C., Wray J.J., Toigo A., 2017. Seasonal slumps in Juventae Chasma. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, doi:10.1002/2017JE005375. (link)
  25. Ferrier K.L., Austermann J., Mitrovica J.X., Pico T., 2017. Incorporating sediment compaction into a gravitationally self-consistent model for ice age sea-level change. Geophysical Journal International, v. 211, p. 663-672 (link).
  26. Ferrier K.L., West N., 2017. Responses of chemical erosion rates to transient perturbations in physical erosion rates, and implications for relationships between chemical and physical erosion rates in regolith-mantled hillslopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 474, p. 447-456 (link).
  27. Pico T., Mitrovica J.X., Ferrier K.L., Braun J., 2016. Global ice volume during MIS 3 inferred from a sea-level analysis of sedimentary core records in the Yellow River Delta.  Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 152, p. 72-79 (link).
  28. Ferrier K.L., Riebe C.S., Hahm W.J., 2016. Testing for supply-limited and kinetic-limited chemical erosion in field measurements of regolith production and chemical depletion. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/2016GC006273 (link).
  29. Ferrier K.L., Mitrovica J.X., Giosan L., Clift P.D., 2015. Sea-level responses to erosion and deposition of sediment in the Indus River basin and the Arabian Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 416, p. 12-20 (link).
  30. Jefferson A.J., Ferrier K.L., Perron J.T., Ramalho R., 2014. Controls on the hydrological landscape evolution of shield volcanoes and volcanic ocean islands. In: The Galapagos: A National Laboratory for the Earth Sciences, AGU Geophysical Monograph 204. Eds. Harpp K.S., Mittelstaedt E., d’Ozouville N., Graham D.W. (link).
  31. Ferrier K.L., Perron J.T., Mukhopadhyay S., Rosener M., Stock J.D., Huppert K.L., Slosberg M., 2013. Covariation of climate and long-term erosion rates across a steep rainfall gradient on the Hawaiian island of Kaua‘i.  Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 125, p. 1146-1163, doi:10.1130/B30726.1 (link).
  32. Ferrier K.L., Huppert K.L., Perron J.T., 2013. Climatic control of bedrock river incision.  Nature, v. 496, p. 206-209, doi: 10.1038/nature11982 (link).  Also see MIT’s news story about this article here (link).
  33. Dalca A.V., Ferrier K.L., Mitrovica J.X., Perron J.T., Milne G.A., Creveling J.R., 2013. On post-glacial sea level – III: Incorporating sediment redistribution. Geophysical Journal International, v. 194, p. 45-60, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt089 (link).
  34. Perron J.T., Richardson P.W., Ferrier K.L., Lapôtre M., 2012. The root of branching river networks.  Nature, v. 492, p. 100-103, doi: 10.1038/nature11672 (link).
  35. Ferrier K.L., Kirchner J.W., Finkel R.C., 2012. Weak influences of climate and physical erosion rates on chemical erosion rates: Measurements along two altitudinal transects in the Idaho Batholith. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, v. 117, F02026, doi:10.1029/2011JF002231 (link).
  36. Ferrier K.L., Kirchner J.W., Finkel R.C., 2011.  Estimating millennial-scale rates of dust incorporation into eroding hillslope soils using cosmogenic nuclides and immobile weathering tracers. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, v. 116, F03022, doi: 10.1029/2011JF001991 (link).
  37. Ferrier K.L., Kirchner J.W., Riebe C.S., Finkel R.C., 2010. Mineral-specific chemical weathering rates over millennial timescales: Measurements at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico. Chemical Geology, v. 277, p. 101-114, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.07.013 (link).
  38. Ferrier K.L., Kirchner J.W., 2008. Effects of physical erosion on chemical denudation rates: A numerical modeling study of soil-mantled hillslopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 272, p. 591-599, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.05.024 (link).
  39. Ferrier K.L., Kirchner J.W., Finkel R.C., 2005. Erosion rates over millennial and decadal timescales at Caspar Creek and Redwood Creek, Northern California Coast Ranges. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 30, p. 1025-1038. doi: 10.1002/esp.1260 (link).

Other publications

  1. Ferrier KL, Golos EM, Haseloff M, 2024. Geoscience undergraduate major course requirements. Zenodo,
  2. DiBiase R, Ferrier KL, 2020. Southern California bedrock landscapes 2015 airborne lidar. National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). OpenTopography,
  3. Ferrier KL, MacDonald LH, Belmont P, Hu K, 2020. 10Be concentrations in stream sediment and inferred denudation rates in the Little River and Elk River basins, northern California Coast Ranges. HydroShare,
  4. MacDonald LH, Miles MW, Beach S, Harrison NM, House MR, Belmont P, Ferrier KL, 2017. Development and Implications of a Sediment Budget for the Upper Elk River Watershed, Humboldt County. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-258. Albany, CA. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, p. 163-173.
  5. Ferrier K.L., van der Wal W., Ruetenik G.A., Stocchi P., 2019.  The importance of sediment in sea-level change. Past Global Changes Magazine, v. 27, p. 24-25. (link)
  6. Kirchner J.W., Ferrier K.L., 2013. Mainly in the plain. Nature, v. 495, p. 318-319. (link)
  7. Ferrier K.L., 2009. Effects of climate, physical erosion, parent mineralogy, and dust on chemical erosion rates in mountainous terrain. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, 251 p. (pdf)
  8. Kirchner JW, Riebe CS, Ferrier KL, Finkel RC (2006). Cosmogenic nuclide methods for measuring long-term rates of physical erosion and chemical weathering. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 88, p. 296-299.

Seminars, video, media

  • EPSP Connects seminar.  Sea level, sediment, and soil chemical weathering (YouTube).
  • Scientia.  Interpreting ancient shorelines (pdf).
  • The Banff Centre. Interview on sea-level change (YouTube).